Still dealing with stuff. You know how it goes. Life shifts, you think it's an earthquake, but it's really just a normal slip in the tectonic plates. You adjust, you clear the debris, you think you are doing just fine. Then you do something stupid, like leaving your iPad in a hotel room many hours from home, and you know you're not yourself, not yet. Time races by faster than the proverbial sand through the hour glass, and each day speeds by more and more quickly. Jumping off the speeding bullet is my next goal.We writers need hours for thinking and working, solitude that feeds the inner vision. It will come, I tell myself.
BTW, major props to the Best Western hotel for calling about the iPad and promising to put it on a UPS truck that day, even before I realized it was missing. I will be back, I promise. Nice people, and honest to boot. Can't ask for more.
In between all the estate legal work and the house-clearing, I'm trying to get back to working on a Kindle version of BELIEVE IN ME, a mystery set on the Mattaponi Indian Reservation in Virginia. Love this story of the clash between the traditional Native American and the modern (white) way of dealing with murder and death. My heroine is caught between two worlds, and she's really not ready to leave her high-powered job in the white world until two family members die on the Reservation, and she's the next target. Hope to have it finished by the end of next month, at the latest.
Hang in there, I tell myself. The dust will settle soon, literally and figuratively.
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